You Got a Meow-sage!

Welcome to Kimmerkatz.
Kimmerkatz was founded by myself - Kim and inspired by my fur babies Dawson & Amelia. We have fun kitty cat items and fabulous cat gifts for the cat carers and cat staff together with ‘gifted’ professional Health & Wellness imPAWtant news and healthy treat recommendations.
We have researched and sourced beautifully designed Australian made products for our new and additional unique category made by spirited local creators that embrace their energy and creativity and are inspired by our current changing economic climate and the need to support and build local businesses.
It is my joy that you have fun sharing our journey as it evolves to live, love, meow and purr along the way. We welcome you and thank you - our new furrrends for stopping by to take a look, check out our products and read our blog news.
With purrs Kim, Dawson and Amelia
Read MoreHealth & Wellness ImPAWtant news!
Any Question?
Pop your meowsage below and we will be in touch with you soon.