Our Fur Baby - Motherhood and Fatherhood Instincts.
Published by Kim, Dawson & Amelia on
Some of us have not had the privilege or opportunity to have children and instead we have the joy of raising fur babies. Whether it has been life choices, medical reasons, time ran out or a reason beyond our understandability and control, we have instinctively rejoiced in becoming the carer of precious fur babies....a life changing experience for both pet and carer. Natural instincts of Motherhood and Fatherhood come to play.
Questions, decisions and Considerations:-
- Feeding requirements - raw, cooked, tinned food or dry food?
- Medical preferences? - Traditional v's Alternative Treatments (clinical veterinarian, homeopathic veterinarian, flower essence, herbal medicine, naturopathy, reiki healing by touch modality, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, affirmations and visualisations). So many healing choices for your pet (and yourself).
- Should I take out Pet Insurance?
- Cat Adoption or Breeder!
- Ongoing Care and Safety
- Take kitty on a family pet friendly holiday or check them into a cattery?
- Secure kitty in a pet cage or not?
- Interspecies Communication - learning to communicate with your kitty
- General Pet Concerns - kitty hasn’t eaten their food, kitty hasn’t pooped today - is kitty sick?
- Teaching our Pets i.e. not to scratch on the lounge and communicate with what they can do such as scratching on their scratch post.
- When kitty gets very sick and associated decisions
Motherhood and Fatherhood instincts do kick in. (Fatherhood of cats - much to be shared in another post!!). Our cats need safety, security, quiet small resting hideaways, food, attention and affection (at your kitty's preferred time). Cats have different personalities, likes and dislikes. You know your own kitty cat - and we all do the best we can for our loved fur kids.